August 22, 2023

What is Frankincense? Unveiling the Mysteries of This Ancient Resin

What is Frankincense? Unveiling the Mysteries of This Ancient Resin

Frankincense has been a topic of intrigue for millennia, with many asking the question: “What is frankincense?” Today, we’ll dive into the history, uses, and benefits of this remarkable resin.

What is Frankincense? The History and Origin

To truly understand “what is frankincense”, it’s crucial to go back in time. Originating from the Boswellia tree, frankincense has been harvested in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa for over 5,000 years. Its name derives from the Old French term ‘franc encens’, meaning high-quality incense.

Historical texts, including the Bible, have made numerous mentions of frankincense. Used in religious ceremonies, as a perfume, and even as a gift fit for kings and newborns, its significance cannot be understated.

Harvesting and Production

But, what is frankincense in its physical form? It’s a gum or resin extracted from the Boswellia tree. The harvesting process involves making strategic incisions into the bark, allowing the resin to seep out. After hardening, it’s scraped off the tree and is ready for use.

Uses of Frankincense

For centuries, societies have found varied uses for frankincense:

  1. Religious Rituals: One of the primary uses of frankincense has been in religious ceremonies across multiple cultures and religions. Its aromatic smoke is believed to carry prayers to the heavens.
  2. Medicinal Uses: Historical texts highlight frankincense as a remedy for various ailments. Modern research hints at its potential anti-inflammatory properties and uses in aromatherapy.
  3. Cosmetics and Skincare: Today, many beauty products contain frankincense oil due to its potential skin rejuvenation and anti-aging properties.
  4. Perfumes: The unique, earthy aroma of frankincense has made it a cherished ingredient in perfumery.
what is frankincense

 Benefits of Frankincense

Delving deeper into the topic of “what is frankincense” brings us to its potential benefits:

  1. Anti-Inflammatory: Some studies suggest that frankincense might help reduce inflammation, particularly in conditions like arthritis.
  2. Skin Health: It’s believed to promote cellular function and the repair of skin, making it a popular choice for skincare formulations.
  3. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Frankincense oil in aromatherapy is said to induce feelings of peace, relaxation, and overall well-being.
  4. Antiseptic Properties: Traditionally, frankincense has been used to disinfect spaces and even to cleanse wounds.
  5. Digestive Aid: Historically, it’s been used as a remedy for digestive issues, though this benefit requires more research for validation.

Is There Any Downside?

While the virtues of frankincense are many, it’s essential to use it with care and knowledge. Some people might experience skin irritations or allergies, so it’s always a good idea to conduct a patch test when trying products containing frankincense.

Moreover, over-harvesting has led to a decrease in Boswellia trees, pushing for more sustainable harvesting practices to ensure this ancient resin remains available for generations to come.


So, what is frankincense? It’s not just a resin or oil but a testament to time. It’s a bridge between the past and the present, carrying stories of kings, commoners, ceremonies, and holistic well-being.

Today, as the world rediscovers the wonders of nature, frankincense once again stands out, offering its myriad benefits to those willing to explore. Whether you’re looking to enhance your skincare routine, delve into aromatherapy, or simply satiate your curiosity about ancient world commodities, frankincense has something to offer.

While the essence of this blog post was to answer the question, “what is frankincense?”, it’s evident that this age-old resin is much more than just its definition. It’s a blend of history, culture, tradition, and modern science, all rolled into one fragrant package.

Also read our blog post about essential oils

Reference : Frankincense


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